David Marc Hoffmann – Archive’s Director

Born 1959, Dr. phil., MAS, studied German Language and Literature, History and Museology in Basel and Paris. He graduated with a work about Christian Morgenstern, and did his doctorate on the History of the Nietzsche Archive.
1985-95 research associate and editor at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.
1996-2012 works at Schwabe Publishing House in Basel, initially as editor and later as director. Curator of exhibitions about Nietzsche, Rudolf Steiner, Jacob Burckhardt and Neo-Humanism in Basel, Zurich and Weimar. 1996-2021 Member of the Board of Trustees and 2009-2018 President of Nietzsche’s House Foundation.   
Actual President of  the General Reading Society Basel. Since Autumm 2012 Director of the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

Publications and editions appeared in german (a selection):

Zur Geschichte des Nietzsche-Archivs, Walter de Gruyter Publisher, Berlin/New York 1991

Rudolf Steiners Dissertation : “Die Grundfrage der Erkenntnistheorie”, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach 1991

Rudolf Steiner und das Nietzsche-Archiv, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach 1993

«Rudolf Steiners Hadesfahrt und Damaskuserlebnis. Vom Goetheanismus, Individualismus, Nietzscheanismus, Anarchismus und Antichristentum zur Anthroposophie»  in: R. Uhlenhoff, Anthroposophie in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin 2011

Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925. Eine Bildbiografie,  David Marc Hoffmann, Albert Vinzens, Nana Badenberg, Stephan Widmer, Rudolf Steiner Publishing Press, Basel 2021

Contributions on Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner in:
Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie; K. G. Saur Verlag, München/Leipzig 1998
Metzler Goethe Lexikon, Verlag J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart 1999
Metzler Philosophen Lexikon, Verlag J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart 2003
Nietzsche-Lexikon, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2009


Phone: +41 61 706 82 14

Angelika Schmitt – Assistant to the Archive Director 

Born 1976, Dr phil. Initially trained as a circus performer in Moscow, then studied Slavic Studies, Philosophy and Business Administration in Heidelberg and Mannheim, studied Waldorf Education in Mannheim. Master's thesis on the late works of Dostoyevsky, doctorate on the hermetic symbolism of Andrej Belyj's ‘Geschichte des Werdens der Selbstbewusstseinsseele’.

2010-2012 Waldorf teacher in Mannheim, 2023/24 in Bochum, 2010-2017 research assistant at the Institute for Waldorf Education at the Alanus University, Mannheim site in the project ‘Perspectives and concepts of interreligious dialogue and learning. Contributions from Anthroposophy and Waldorf Education’, 2018-2022 Postdoc at the University of Trier in the DFG Research Group “Russian Language Poetry in Transition” (FOR 2603). Since August 2024 working at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

Publications  (Selection):

Hermetischer Symbolismus: Andrej Belyjs „Istorija stanovlenija samosoznajuščej duši“. [=Trierer Studien zur Slavistik. Hrsg. v. Alexander Bierich, Gerhard Ressel, Henrieke Stahl. Bd. 4.] Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018. 432 S. https://www.peterlang.com/document/1110950

Andrej Belyj: Der Yogi. Übersetzung aus dem Russischen von Angelika Schmitt. In: die Drei 12/2018. 35-50.

The Hermetic Symbolism of Andrei Belyʼs History of the Becoming of the Self-Conscious Soul. In: Aries – Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism. 19, 2019. 231-247. DOI: 10.1163/15700593-01902011

Die „Gedankenkunst“ des lyrischen Schöpfertums. Metaphysische Aspekte in der Poetik Ol’ga Sedakovas. In: Müller, R. / Reents, F. (Hgg.): Lyrik und Erkenntnis. IZfK [=Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik] 1, 2019. 211-242. DOI: 10.25353/ubtr-izfk-a948-dfee

Zus. mit Albert Schmelzer: Die Weltreligionen: Vielfalt und Zusammenklang. [7 Bände:] Indigene Religiosität, Chinesische Religiosität, Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Judentum, Christentum, Islam. Stuttgart: Edition Waldorf, 2021. 954 S.

Feministisches Schreiben und politischer Protest im postsowjetischen Raum. In: Fees, A. / Stahl, H. / Telge, C. (Hgg.): Poetry, Politics, and the Internet. IZfK [=Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik] 6, 2022. 165-185. DOI: 10.25353/ubtr-izfk-9981-7b29

Hrsg. zus. mit Henrieke Stahl: Lyrik und Existenz in der Gegenwart [=Neuere Lyrik. Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Studien, Band 15]. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2023. 528 S.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 13

Philip Kovce – Assistant to the Archive Director

Born in 1986; studied economics, philosophy, cultural reflection and cultural practice at Witten/Herdecke University and the Humboldt University of Berlin; alumnus of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, the Studienkolleg zu Berlin and the Club of Rome’s Think Tank 30; wrote for DIE ZEIT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, FAZ, NZZ and others; edited for Suhrkamp Verlag; taught at Witten/Herdecke University and the Berlin University of the Arts; researches at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and the Philosophicum Basel; moderates the discussion series “UM Politics Talks” at the Unternehmen Mitte in Basel; since August 2024 working at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

Publications (Selection):

(Hrsg. mit Birger P. Priddat) Selbstverwandlung. Das Ende des Menschen und seine Zukunft. Anthropologische Perspektiven von Digitalisierung und Individualisierung, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg 2022

Ich schaue in die Welt. Einsichten und Aussichten, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach 2020

(Hrsg. mit Birger P. Priddat) Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. Grundlagentexte, Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin 2019

(Hrsg.) Soziale Zukunft. Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen. Die Debatte, Verlag Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart 2017

Von Bologna nach Berlin und wieder zurück. Über die Verfassung der Universität. Eine Bildungsreise, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg 2016

(Hrsg. mit Birger P. Priddat) Die Aufgabe der Bildung. Aussichten der Universität, Metropolis Verlag, Marburg 2015

Götterdämmerung. Rudolf Steiners Initialphilosophie, Edition Immanente, Berlin 2014 

(Hrsg.) Stichwort Freiheit. Spirituelle Perspektiven, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Basel 2014



Phone: +41 61 706 82 15

Martina Maria Sam – Editor

Born in 1960, studied Sociology and Politology in Heidelberg. Further studies on Waldorf education and Eurythmy in Witten-Annen. Later studies on German literature and Art History in Basel, graduating with a work on Rudolf Steiner's blackboard-drawings, and wrote her doctorate on Rudolf Steiner’s Faust reception.
1987-1992 Eurythmist at the Goetheanum. 1989-2000 freelance collaborator for edition at the Rudolf Steiner Archive, with focus on Pedagogy and the Esoteric Lessons (together with Hella Wiesberger). Since 2001 freelance editor concentrating on Rudolf Steiner's Library and on the preliminary stages for an edition of his letters. 2000-2012 Director of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities at the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum.
Martina Maria Sam has been working as a freelance author and lecturer since 2012. From 2019, as an editor at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

Publications appeared in German (a selection):

Rudolf Steiner. Kindheit und Jugend, 1861-1884, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach 2018
Eurythmie. Entstehungsgeschichte und Porträts ihrer Pioniere, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach 2014
Rudolf Steiners Faust-Rezeption, Basel 2011
Seelenübungen des Willens, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, 2010
Eurythmiefiguren der Entstehungszeit, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Basel 2018 (with Stefan Hasler and D. Wendtland)


Phone: +41 61 706 82 17

Hans-Christian Zehnter – Editor

He grew up in the '60s and '70s in Bochum, where he also attended his secondary school, and later he studied Biology. In Dornach, he took the postgraduate one year course on Natural Sciences organised by the Section for Natural Sciences at the Goetheanum with Jochen Bockemühl and Georg Maier. After that he was active in the following fields:

Research associate at the Research Institute of the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.

Internship in Agriculture in two biological dynamic farms in Alsace, France.

He worked at the reception of the Goetheanum’s building and as an editor of the Goetheanum’s magazine

Free Publisher and teacher with main focus on: Aesthetics as sensory knowledge, Science Methodology, Ornithology, The Aesthetics of the Landscape’s, Cycle of the year, Goethean-anthroposophical nature's observation.
See more under:


Publications appeared in german (a selection)

  • Durch das Jahr, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 2006
  • Rudolf Steiner: Die Welt der Vögel, edited and commented by Hans-Christian Zehnter, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland, 2007
  • Ein Gang durch die christlichen Feste im Jahreskreislauf der Natur, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 2007
  • Vögel – Mittler zweier Welten, Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 2008
  • Zeitzeichen – Essays zum Erscheinen der Welt, Verlag für Anthroposophie, Dornach, Switzerland, 2011
  • Rudolf Steiner: Die Welt der Tiere, edited and commented by Hans-Christian Zehnter, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland, 2014


Phone: +41 61 706 82 12

Renatus Ziegler – Editor

Born in Basel 1955, where he attended the Rudolf Steiner school. He studied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. He did his doctorate in 1985 on geometrical Mechanics at the Kassel University, Germany.
He spent two years dedicated to research and teaching in universities in the USA, and later in the Section for Mathematics and Astronomy, School for Spiritual Science, at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
2001 to 2015, scientific researcher in the Association for Cancer Resarch in Arlesheim Switzerland, focusing on methods of clinical studies and pharmaceutical quality control in complementary medicine. Beside this, he taught mathematics, logics, gnoseology, ethical individualism and philosophical principles of anthroposophy in various seminar courses. Since 2011, he has participated in the Philosophicum in Basel. 2015-2018 Director for Pharmacovigilance and Quality Management at the Iscador AG Company in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Since 2019 he works as an editor in the Rudolf Steiner Archive.

Publications appeared in german (a selection)

complete list (including publications in english) can be found on his website:



Phone: +41 61 706 82 29

Andrea Leubin – Editor

Born 1969 in Basel, lic. phil., MA, primary and secondary school in Arlesheim and Münchenstein, Switzerland. Social work in a home for the handicapped in Finnland (Camphill). Studies in Basel on Slavic Philology, Philosophy and Contemporary History focussing on Eastern Europe. She worked at the Goetheanum, did translations, continued with further studies on the Arts in Basel, Dornach and in Feldkirchen (Austria). She has been working as an editor at the Rudolf Steiner Archive since 2012.

Rudolf Steiner, Aleksandr Konviser (editor.): Iskuplenierazuma: otspiritual’nojfilosofii i novejšegoestestvoznanija k sovremennojnauke o duche [The redemption of the spirit], Per. s nemeckogo Andrea Lëjbin … A. Konvisser, per., sost., stat’ja, imennojukazatel’, primeč., St. Petersburg 2004.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 23

Anne Weise – Editor

Born 1965 in Schwerin, she studied cultural sciences in Berlin and gained her doctorate in Art History on the life and work of Marianne Brandt, the Bauhaus artist, in 1915. Lived in the USA, where she worked in several Camphill communities and in the Karl König Archive. She wrote numerous articles on various topics and two books related to the Holocaust („Alfred Bergel Skizzen aus einem vergessenen Leben“, 2014,  and edition of Robert Fisch «Light from a yellow star»). She has been working as an editor at the Rudolf Steiner Archive since 2017.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 28

Monika Philippi – Editor

Born 1974 in Munich. 1994-1996 professional training as a publishing agent. 1997-2001 studied singing and music pedagogy in München (degree for voice training with children). From 2001 classical soprano, vocal pedagogue, speaker and voice teacher.
Since 2004 in Switzerland. 2009-2015 studies on German Philology and Cultural anthropology at the University Basel, Master-Thesis on the slyness of Reynard the Fox literary cycle  (mediaeval studies). Coach for vocal techniques at the Northwestern Swiss University for applied sciences (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz). 2014-2016 worked on Robert Walser's critical edition, Basel. After participating in a project, she started working as an editor at the Rudolf Steiner Archive in 2016.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 16

Stephan Widmer – Archive & Library

Born in 1970, studied and Art-History, I+D Assistant, CAS Information and Documentation, further studies in archival science in the Association of Swiss Archivists.
1995-2004 librarian at the Swiss Military Library. He has been working as an archivist in the Rudolf Steiner Archive since 2004.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 21

Péter Barna – Editor

Born 1978 in Budapest (Hungary). 1997–2001 Budapest: partial study in horticulture  2001–2009 Budapest and Vienna: studied history of music (M.A.).
He worked at the Ita Wegman Archive in Arlesheim (History of the Anthroposophical Movement and the anthroposophical medicine) from 2013–2019  and in the Rudolf Steiner Archive since 2018. At the moment, he is working on the new commented edition of Rudolf Steiner's letters (GA 38/1–38/6). He is also a consultant to the editorial team of the study commentaries on Rudolf Steiner's medical work as part of a collaborative editing project between Witten/Herdecke University, the Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach, the Ita Wegman Institute in Arlesheim and the Rudolf Steiner Archive, Dornach.

Publications (a selection):

  • «Einiges über Marie Ritter und ihre Luminescenz-Forschung», in: Ita Wegman Institut für anthroposophische Grundlagenforschung [Yearly Report] 2016, Arlesheim 2016, pp. 22–27
  • Vorgeschichte, Intention und Komposition. Materialien zum ersten Ärztekurs Rudolf Steiners 1920 (edited with Peter Selg), Verlag am Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, 2020 


Phone: +41 61 706 82 21

Silvana Gabrielli – Archive & Exhibitions

MA-degree in Art Curatorship and Cultural Management, and Certificate of Advanced Studies on Applied Arts Sciences from Zurich, Switzerland. In Dornach she studied Waldorf Education. She has been working at the Rudolf Steiner Archive since 2016, with main focus on Rudolf Steiner's artistic legacy and the Archive's Art Collection, and coordinating the loans for expositions.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 25

Nana Badenberg – Archive & Edition

Born 1964 in Munich. She holds a MA degree in Latinamerican literature, German literature and Art History. She studied paper conservation in a postgraduate course. Since 2005 she lives in Basel, and works freelance proof-reading and editing, among others, for the Rudolf Steiner Publishing House. In 2019 she started working as archivist in the Rudolf Steiner Archive, responsible for Rudolf Steiner’s literary legacy.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 24

Jacqueline Staub – Account-manager & Human resources

Born 1964 in Basel, professional training in Haute Couture as designer, further studies at the Commercial School for Marketing communication. She has been working at the Rudolf Steiner Archive as account-manager since 2017, responsible for human resources and as director's assistant.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 26

Marit Indbjo Frey – Edition assistant

Born 1988 in Haugesund, Norway. She studied German language and literature, Scandinavian literature, Religion and Pedagogy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. She has been living in Switzerland since 2015. From February to November 2017 she joined the Rudolf Steiner Archive in  freelance collaboration. collaborator. She has been working as edition’s assistant since January 2020.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 15

Claudia Forster – Secretary’s office & Shop

Born 1965 in Kassel, married, one daughter, studied Social Sciences, worked as TV-journalist/producer, moved to Switzerland in 1998, further studies in Psychosynthesis and Biography/Coaching. She has been working in the Rudolf Steiner Archive since 2006.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 10

Andreas Bindler – Freelance assistant

Born 1950 in Basel, studied medicine at the University Basel. Medical specialisation in Germany and Switzerland. He worked as a physician in Basel until 2017. From January 2018, freelance assistant in the Rudolf Steiner Archive.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 10

Marianne Büttner – Freelance assistant

Born 1950 in Neuwied. Dr. phil., she studied  Geography, Sport and Ethnology in Mainz. Waldorf teacher Seminar in Frankfurt. She worked as a Waldorf teacher in Mainz, Kassel (Germany) and in Aesch (Switzerland). MA in Curative Education, Basel  2009. From 2005 to 2014, teacher for integration in primary schools in Laufental. Freelance collaborator in the Rudolf Steiner Archive since September 2014.


Phone: +41 61 706 82 10

Hervé Haller – Facility Manager


Phone: +41 61 706 82 10
