Haus Duldeck Mai 1921

House Duldeck

In 1912 Rudolf Steiner and Marie von Sivers were invited by family Grosheintz to their summer house on the hill in Dornach. The family donated most of the plot of land where the first Goetheanum was subsequently built. Out of gratitude, Rudolf Steiner has the House Duldeck built.

In September 1913 the Duldeck project was initiated under the guidance of Rudolf Steiner; its construction started in February 1915. The residence, situated in immediate proximity to the Goetheanum, is one of the most innovative of the early 20th century buildings in reinforced concrete. Its shaping however does not stand alone but, like the other buildings on the Goetheanum hill, they were designed by Steiner as a metamorphosis of the central building.
The Rudolf Steiner Archive moved to these premises in 2002.

Rudolf Steiner said about House Duldeck: «It is significant, that such a house could have been built once, because it stands there as a living protest against every traditional architectural style and construction type.»
The design of the construction, the decoration of the interior as well as its furniture were a result of the close cooperation between Rudolf Steiner and the architect Hermann Ranzenberger.

Member of Iconic Houses:

Since June 2015 House Duldeck is a member of Iconic Houses, which is an association of architectural buildings of the 20th century.
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