The Foundation

In the year 1943 Marie Steiner, heir to Rudolf Steiner’s estate, founded the «Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung» as an independent institution (Rudolf Steiner Estate Administration, an association for the administration of Rudolf Steiner's literary and artistic legacy). The so-called «Agreement for the transfer of ownership» established the mission to preserve, catalogue, research and publish Rudolf Steiner's work. The Rudolf Steiner Archive has grown in the course of years to implement this mission. From 1961 onwards, the edition of Rudolf Steiner's  Complete Works has been and is being edited in the form of a reading and study edition and about 374 volumes have been published to date. It is probably the most extensive book edition of a single author, and ranges among the most translated.

The Rudolf Steiner Estate Administration has been, by unanimous decision of its members, transformed into a foundation with unmodified purpose and seat in Dornach, Switzerland. Its complete name is «Rudolf Steiner Estate Administration, Foundation for the preservation, research and publication of the scientific and artistic legacy of Rudolf Steiner». Organs of the foundation are the Board of Trustees, the Committee, the Archive Management and the Advisory Board.
The Annual Report 2015 informs about the foundation and the project of completing the edition of Rudolf Steiner’s Complete Works. You can download the statutes of the foundation here (in German)

Two associations support the foundation's and the Rudolf Steiner's Archive's mission: The «Verein zur Förderung der Stiftung Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung», formerly Estate’s Association,  and the «Internationale Fördergemeinschaft Rudolf Steiner» 

Members of the Board of trustees and advisory committee of the trustees (SRA)

Cornelius Bohlen, chairman, lic. phil., teacher and director of the Atelierschule in Zürich, Switzerland.
Dr. Stefan Brotbeck, Dr. phil., philosopher, professor and author, director of the Philosophicum in Basel, Switzerland.
Anna-Katharina Dehmelt, editor of the magazine Info3, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Martin Frei, lic. phil., works at the Rudolf Steiner School's Real Estate Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland.
Dr. Brigitte Pfändler-Oling, Legal advisor to the Clinic Arlesheim, Switzerland.
Max Ruhri, Economist and Banking, CEO Freie Gemeinschaftsbank Basel
Niklaus Schär
, Manager and real estate developer, Schafisheim, Germany.
Cato Schiøtz, Lawyer, Board’s member of the Anthroposophical Society in Oslo, Norway.
Dr. Eva Gabriele Streit, Vicepresident (Committee) Medical Director Clinic Arlesheim, Arlesheim, Switzerland.

BMF ProConsulting AG, Basel

Members of the Advisory Board
Foundation Rudolf Steiner Estate Administration
